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The SDGs We Focus On


Climate action is what the Clean & Green Initiative strives for. This is our core value, our top priority, and what we center our activism around. The climate crisis is the most pressing issue facing the world today. Pushing for climate action and legislation is  essential to ensure the survival of species -- including the human race.


A better world is possible for everyone, and it's our responsibility to work towards creating that better world. Innovative architectural solutions, new methods of transportation, conservation efforts, and community involvement will all be critical in creating sustainable cities and communities.


Climate change, pollution, and environmental degradation are issues that intersect wholeheartedly with issues such as redlining, racism, and inequality. One of TCAGI's key goals is to address the disproportionate number of colored people living in places such as Cancer Alley, which is why we work on environmental justice.


Access to clean energy for all is essential in combatting global warming, improving health and wellbeing, reducing air pollution, and creating a safer world for us all. We also need clean energy for economic growth and to stop the contamination of our air, water, and soil. We must increase investments in clean energy projects.

Image by Li-An Lim


TCAGI is a student-led environmental initiative with three main objectives:


(1) EDUCATE the public on environmental issues,


(2) INSPIRE & ENABLE people to take action,


(3) CONNECT like-minded activists through our community to foster teamwork and help create concentrated local movements,


and so much more. We began around mid 2020 with the creation of our Discord server to launch our online presence.


In the beginning, TCAGI was simply an idea. But after nearly three years of time, effort, dedication, and help from amazingly kind people, TCAGI has grown to something far beyond what we ever dared to dream of. With 650 members and counting, we're proud to call TCAGI one of the largest environmental Discord servers out there -- and this is just the beginning. For instance, we're expanding our online presence and increasing accessibility through this site!

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